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Our World is Whole
ISBN 978-1534110274
One little girl knows that our world is whole because the connections between us all makes it so--from the family cat to the chatty neighbor to Mom and Dad and cousin Jerry. Our World is Whole is a lyrical meditation on mindfulness that celebrates interconnectedness and the ways we support one another and keep our world whole and spinning.
Written by Gail Bush Illustrated by Jennie Poh

Published by Sleeping Bear Press, 2020

Indivisible: Poems for Social Justice



Anthology including over 50 works of poetry by 20th century writers on issues related to social justice in American society.

Selected as Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) Book of the Week and on their 2014 Best of the Year list.

"INDIVISIBLE is a crucial, elegant, powerful book. It's a wake-up call for readers of all ages. A spur for further discussion. We need it now as much as we ever needed it, if not more."

Naomi Shihab Nye, Young People's Poet Laureate, 2019-21.


Edited by Gail Bush and Randy Meyer

Foreword by COMMON. Illustrations by Matthew Thomas Bush

Published by Norwood House Press, 2013






Tales Out of the School Library:
Developing Professional Dispositions
ISBN-13: 978-1591588320

This groundbreaking book about developing the professional dispositions of school librarians uses three fictionalized librarians to serve as authentic models addressing familiar topics and situations. This book empowers anyone working in the school library to redefine their practice to meet the needs of young learners today. 


Written by Gail Bush and Jami Biles Jones

Foreword by Theodore R. Sizer

Published by Libraries Unlimited, 2009

School Library Media Programs
in Action: Civic Engagement,
Social Justice, and Equity

ISBN-13: 978-0838985151


Articles from the American Association of School Librarians journal Knowledge Quest published over 10 years invite school library media specialists to explore their potential roles in the areas of civic engagement, equity, and social justice, and offer suggestions for helping students become active global citizens.


Edited by Gail Bush

Published by the American Library Association, 2009

Every Student Reads: Collaboration and Reading to Learn



Offers reading strategies for both elementary and secondary school students, including collaborative projects for K-12 grade levels written in lesson plan format.

Featuring contributions from Peter Afflerbach, Carol Gordon,

Donna Ogle, and Stephen Krashen.


Written by Gail Bush

Published by the American Library Association, 2006

The School Buddy System:

The Practice of Collaboration

ISBN-13: 978-0838908396


The School Buddy System shows you how to dive in headfirst and come out with a truly collaborative learning environment where the goal is student success. If you're involved in K–12 education, whether as librarian, school media specialist, teacher, administrator, or policymaker, The School Buddy System gives you an outcomes-driven "open the classroom door" framework.


Written by Gail Bush

Published by the American Library Association, 2002

Copyright Gail Bush, 2020                                                                                                                              

Writer, educator, Evanston, IL, USA

Photo credit: Geoff Martin Photography

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